Tag Cloud

Cloudy days a hoy-hoy

I found this partial to create a tag cloud on Mert Bakir’s personal website and I have been adapting the code to suit my needs for this project, for now I’m just leaving it under this project page until I can decide what to do with it.

accessibility1 affiliate marketing1 alerts1 all at once1 alpine.js1 amazon associates program2 api integration2 astronomy1 aurora1 automation3 aws1 big screen presentation1 blogging1 blogroll1 budget3 ci/cd1 cloudflare tunneling service1 cloudfront1 configuration1 configuration management1 content adaptors1 content management2 css1 development environment1 devops1 digital security1 digital wallet1 disaster preparedness1 disclosure2 dynamic content1 encrypted storage1 everything1 everywhere1 family recipes8 feed1 feed readers1 fiction2 filtering1 financial planning1 front matter1 game template1 github actions1 github pages1 healthy5 historical2 hugo15 image gallery1 image processing1 images1 ingredients3 inspiration1 interactive maps1 javascript1 landscape photography1 leaflet.js1 localhost server1 mapping1 marina del rey1 monitoring1 musical genres1 networking1 ngrok1 night photography1 nonfiction2 notebook1 okta1 open source4 openstreetmap1 partials1 photography2 pick-a-squares1 pines1 privacy1 product development1 product management1 puppeteer1 random score generation1 recipe schema2 recipe template1 recipes1 referral links1 resource management1 responsive1 revolution3 rss1 ryder theme4 s31 saas1 sb lix1 seeds3 seo1 shell scripting1 shortcodes1 smoothie1 space1 spotify1 state management1 static site deployment1 static site generator3 string manipulation1 structured data1 styling feeds1 super bowl squares1 tag cloud1 tailwind css2 taxonomy1 templates3 themes1 tutorial1 vegan1 web development6 website development1 work in progress1 workflow dispatch1 workflow optimization1 workforce onboarding1 writing1 xml1 xslt1 zendesk1 zsh script1


 2  I found this partial on Mert Bakir's personal website
 3  https://mertbakir.gitlab.io/hugo/tag-cloud-in-hugo/
 4  I have since modified suit to fit my needs.
 5 */}}
 6 {{/*  
 7  By default the taxonomy uses "tags" but when it is on a taxonomy page
 8  it uses the current section label, which is the name of the taxonomy
 9 */}}
10 {{ $taxonomy := "tags" }}
11 {{ if eq .Page.Kind "taxonomy" }}
12   {{ $taxonomy = .Section }}
13 {{ end }}
16 <div class="container tagcloud">
17   {{/*  <h3>{{ len (index $.Site.Taxonomies $taxonomy) }} {{ $taxonomy }} found on {{ $.Site.Title }}</h3>  */}}
18   {{ if ne (len (index $.Site.Taxonomies $taxonomy)) 0 }}
19     {{ $largestFontSize := 3.8 }}
20     {{ $smallestFontSize := 0.8 }}
21     {{ $fontSpread := sub $largestFontSize $smallestFontSize }}
22     {{ $max := add (len (index (index $.Site.Taxonomies $taxonomy).ByCount 0).Pages) 1 }}
23     {{ $min := len (index (index $.Site.Taxonomies $taxonomy).ByCount.Reverse 0).Pages }}
24     {{ $spread := sub $max $min }}
25     {{ $fontStep := div $fontSpread $spread }}
26       {{ range $name, $taxonomyPage := (index $.Site.Taxonomies $taxonomy) }}
27         {{ $tagCount := len $taxonomyPage.Pages }}
28         {{ $currentFontSize := (add $smallestFontSize (mul (sub $tagCount $min) $fontStep) ) }}
29         {{ $weight := div (sub (math.Log $tagCount) (math.Log $min)) (sub (math.Log $max) (math.Log $min)) }}
30         {{ $currentFontSize := (add $smallestFontSize (mul (sub $largestFontSize $smallestFontSize) $weight)) }}
31         {{ $baseURL := $.Site.BaseURL }}
32         {{ $gradientClass := "bg-gradient-to-r from-lime-400 to-lime-500 text-zinc-900 "}}
33         {{ $classes := "py-2 px-4 rounded-full border-2 border-yellow-500 hover:bg-yellow-500 hover:border-yellow-600 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-yellow-300 no-underline inline-block text-center break-words "}}
34         {{ $headerBackgroundFrameOuter := "" }}
35         {{ with $.Site.Param "twClasses.headerBackgroundFrameOuter" }}
36           {{ $gradientClass = . }}
37         {{ end }}
38         {{ if eq $.Page.Kind "taxonomy" }}
39          {{ $sectionData := $.Site.GetPage (printf "%s/%s" $taxonomy $name) }}
40          {{ with $sectionData.Params.twClasses.headerBackgroundFrameOuter }}
41            {{ $gradientClass = . }}
42          {{ end }}
43         {{ end }}
44         <a href="{{ printf "%s%s/%s" $baseURL $taxonomy ($name | urlize) }}" 
45            class="tagcloud-item px-2" style="font-size: {{ $currentFontSize }}rem;">
46            <span class="{{ $classes }} {{ $gradientClass }}">{{ $name }}<sup>{{ $tagCount }}</sup></span></a>
47       {{ end }}
48   {{ end }}
49 </div>

The next update to come to this tag-cloud partial is the ability to pass in a taxonomy name, since it is currently setup for only tags.