Here are some useful partials I use in this theme.
This replaces the default markup template for rendering an image when the markdown code 
is used. It calls another partial you have to add to your theme or layout directory in your site called ImageConverter.
{{ $image := resources.Get .Destination }}
{{- if $image -}}
{{- $post_image_webp := partial "ImageConverter.html" (dict "ImageSrc" .Destination "ImgParam" (printf "%dx%d webp q100" $image.Width $image.Height)) -}}
{{- $post_image_jpg := partial "ImageConverter.html" (dict "ImageSrc" .Destination "ImgParam" (printf "%dx%d jpg q100" $image.Width $image.Height)) -}}
<source srcset="{{ $post_image_webp }}" type="image/webp">
<source srcset="{{ $post_image_jpg }}" type="image/jpeg">
<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" src="{{ $post_image_jpg }}" width="{{ $image.Width }}" height="{{ $image.Height }}" {{ with .Text}} alt="{{ . }}" {{ else }} alt="{{ .Page.Title }}" {{ end }} {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
{{- else -}}
<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" {{ with .Text}} alt="{{ . }}" {{ else }} alt="{{ .Page.Title }}" {{ end }} {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }} />
{{- end -}}
This uses the power of hugo image processing to optimize your images and convert them to webp or other types.
{{/* Step 1: A default image as fallback */}}
{{ $image := "/images/placeholder.png" }}
{{/* Step 2: now check if passed image exists with same as title */}}
{{ $image_url := resources.Get .ImageSrc }}
{{ $img_param := .ImgParam }}
{{ if $image_url }}
{{/* Resize and convert the image */}}
{{ $image_url = $image_url.Resize $img_param }}
{{ $image = $image_url.RelPermalink }}
{{return $image}}
This one passes the variables within the page context by using .Scratch.set "var1" "val1"
in the calling template. It is used to create alert boxes in various different styles.
Based on:
{{- .Scratch.Set "alertType" "success"}}
{{- .Scratch.Set "alertTitle" "Alpha Release" }}
{{- .Scratch.Set "alertMessage" "You are viewing an alpha version of this site redesign. Things may be broken at times or just in a state of flux." }}
{{- partial "alert.html" . }}
{{ $alertType := .Scratch.Get "alertType" }}
{{ $alertTitle := .Scratch.Get "alertTitle" }}
{{ $alertMessage := .Scratch.Get "alertMessage" }}
{{ $alertClasses := "" }}
{{ if eq $alertType "info" }}
{{ $alertClasses = "text-blue-800 border-blue-300 bg-blue-50 dark:text-blue-400 dark:border-blue-800" }}
{{ else if eq $alertType "danger" }}
{{ $alertClasses = "text-red-800 border-red-300 bg-red-50 dark:text-red-400 dark:border-red-800" }}
{{ else if eq $alertType "success" }}
{{ $alertClasses = "text-green-800 border-green-300 bg-green-50 dark:text-green-400 dark:border-green-800" }}
{{ else if eq $alertType "warning" }}
{{ $alertClasses = "text-yellow-800 border-yellow-300 bg-yellow-50 dark:text-yellow-400 dark:border-yellow-800" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $alertClasses = "text-gray-800 border-gray-300 bg-gray-50 dark:text-gray-400 dark:border-gray-800" }}
{{ end }}
<div class="flex items-center p-4 mb-4 text-sm border rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-800 {{ $alertClasses }}" role="alert">
<i class="fa-solid fa-circle-info flex-shrink-0 inline w-4 h-4 me-3"></i>
<span class="sr-only">{{ $alertType }}</span>
<span class="font-medium">{{ $alertTitle }}</span> {{ $alertMessage }}