Deploying Hugo Websites to AWS CloudFront and S3 for Faster Content Delivery
A new way to deploy my hugo websites
A simple and cost-effective approach to deploying Hugo projects to AWS CloudFront.
I have and still do use services like AWS Amplify and Netlify to automate my CI/CD pipeline for many of my projects, triggered by a GitHub check-in and running in GitHub Actions. However, for a recent photography project that involved deploying a large number of files, storing everything in GitHub wasn’t feasible. I needed a solution that was simple, affordable, and delivered high performance. That’s when I decided to use AWS CloudFront with an S3 bucket, integrated with an SSL certificate generated through CloudFront.
Why AWS CloudFront?
Tarragon Beets Salad

This was an attempt to copy a salad from Bristol Farms. I ended up modifying it quite a bit from the initial ingredients.
Latest stuff
Ingredients Section
Check out the new Ingredients Taxonomy pages
Using Taxonomy effectively
As part of the recipe template configuration being developed for The Ryder Theme for Hugo websites, a new taxonomy is created for ingredients. Ingredients are not the same as recipeIngredients; they are defined as an array in the front matter. I didn’t want a taxonomy page generated for every single recipe ingredient, so I created a separate variable. The recipeIngredients are used to display the ingredients on the page and for the recipe schema, ensuring the pages are properly displayed as recipe rich results in Google and other search engines.
Github Action to Create New Content in Hugo
I use Hugo a lot for my web development work, and I think it is pretty great. The one problem with it for many non-technical people I work with is that there is no CMS feature, they want a website administration page where they can do the usual.
Adding Leaflet to Ryder Theme
I made this quick and easy shortcode to get started using leaflet.js in the Ryder Theme for Hugo Websites, as I add more features supported by leaflet to the shortcode I might update this page. is the first domain I ever purchased. I believe it was around 2001. It has been various different websites throughout the years, including not a web-site at all. In this rendition it is an organization which is set up to support artists in their technical needs, to free them from the discratction of such things as self-promotion and websites.
Tunnel Localhost Server Through Cloudflare
A tunnel to your desktop
This is something I have done in the past and it usually involved pretty in-depth knowledge of the shell and networking, but now there is a free service that makes it oh-so-easy to spin up a tunnel with a public human readable domain name for temporary viewing of your local network development environment on the internet.
Pines Image Gallery With Hugo
A super simple alpinjs image gallery
The first place I used this is on the recipe page about my mom’s family recipe cookbook
Bluff Creek Trail
AKA LMU Trail, AKA Westchester fireroad trail
The Bluff Creek trail is a nice mostly flat partially paved/dirt path that traverses the bluff just under LMU. Recommended as a loop with a couple mile trail and then couple miles walking in Playa Vista through Oberrieder park.
Recipe Template for Ryder Theme
Optimize Recipe Content with the Schema
The recipe templates for The Ryder Theme for Hugo websites are progressing well. Today I released an update that creates the json-ld specification tags for a recipe. This allows your recipe content to show up as “rich content” in search engines and social media platforms.
Tag Cloud
Cloudy days a hoy-hoy
I found this partial to create a tag cloud on Mert Bakir’s personal website and I have been adapting the code to suit my needs for this project, for now I’m just leaving it under this project page until I can decide what to do with it.
Ballona Creek Bike Path
Part of Park to Playa Trail
The Ballona Creek Bike Path parallels Ballona Creek while connecting the Pacific Ocean at Marina Del Rey with Culver City. The trail connects with a beach path that continues south to Redondo Beach while at the north, Dusquesne Avenue connects the bike path with the eastern portions of the Park to Playa Trail.
Ballona Wetlands
Ecological Preserve
Ballona contains a complex mosaic of habitats defined mainly by hydrology, including wetland habitats, such as brackish and freshwater marshes, seasonally flooded freshwater wetlands, salt pans, riparian and upland habitats, like coastal sage scrub and sand dunes. Many wildlife species, especially birds, utilize more than one habitat type – thus the juxtaposition of these habitats next to one another, also known as heterogeneity, which is important for biodiversity.
Ironcove Solutions Orchestration Engine
Workforce Onboarding: A Case Study of Ironcove Solutions’ Orchestration Engine
I was hired by Ironcove Solutions to lead product development for a new application they were developing called the Orchestration Engine, an application designed to streamline workforce onboarding processes. We collaborated closely with the team from Ironcove Solutions to bring their vision to life.
The Ryder Theme for Hugo
Introducing the Ryder theme, a theme for the hugo static website generator. This is an open-source Hugo theme boasting Tailwind CSS, FontAwesome integration, and customizable features. Perfect for beginners and seasoned developers alike, kickstart your website with this versatile theme.