Privacy Policy

Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting takes your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how I treat the information I collect when you visit my web site.

Personal Information

Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting does not collect any personal information that you do not expressly provide and will not disclose personally identifiable information to any third party without your consent.

Non-Personal Information

I may also request non-personally identifiable information known as demographic and profile data, though this information is optional. I may use this data to improve my site; showing you content that I think you might be interested in. I may also share this information with others, such as advertisers interested in advertising on my site, in aggregate, anonymous form, which means that the information will not contain any personally identifiable information about you or any other person.

Usage Information

In addition to collecting personal and non-personal information, Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting may also collect non-personal, aggregated information about users of my site. This information is not personally identifiable and will only be used to find out how my service and site is used. For example, this information will tell us how much time you spend on my site, from which other sites you came. The collection of this information allows us to, among other things, prepare for traffic load demands and to efficiently deliver content.


Like most sites, some pages on Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting may make use of browser “cookies.” Cookies are small text files placed on your computer’s hard disk by my server. Information gathered through cookies and web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, and the time spent at my website. Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting will never use cookies to retrieve information from a computer that is unrelated to my site or services.

As part of the service, Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting may create links allowing you to access third party sites. Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting is not responsible for the content that appears on those sites and does not endorse these sites. Please consult those sites’ individual privacy policies in order to determine how they treat user information.

Email Information

If you choose to correspond with us through email, I may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and my responses.


All information described above is stored on restricted servers.

Modification to this Policy

Ben Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting may change this policy, but I’ll post any changes here, so be sure to check in on an hourly basis.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about this policy or my site in general, please contact me.