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Random Score Generation

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Pick a Squares Game

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I created a pick-a-squares game template, aka the Super Bowl squares. It is still a work in progress, but I hope to have it snazzy in time for next year. Take a look at the template.

Project Goals

  • Ability to enter people into squares
  • Generate random score rows with animated flourish
  • Presentation mode for big screen action with controller to enter periodic scores
  • Calculate payouts based on price of a square

Project Timeline

  • Launch in time for SB LIX

Game Template

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Big Screen Presentation

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Pick-a-Square Game - Basic Grid

In projects

Pick a Square Game

In projects

Pick a Square, any Square! Only $n a square! Step right up folks and get your lucky square.

This was kind of a challenge from a friend of mine. He wanted squares for an event that was a website - html, not an image, that could be used on a big screen at a venue AND printed out on a poster OR standard paper all in one url, just works for all of those.


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In projects

The projects section is a mix of case studies of professional projects I have worked on, that I have permission to write about, and personal areas of exploration on-line and otherwise. Some of these projects may be monetized in some way at some time, others are entirely open source.


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In categories

Website Development

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String Manipulation

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Resource Management

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Hugo Snippets

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Get the first of something in a collection

For example the first jpg image in the current directory starting with the word feature.

Front Matter

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In portfolio

Product Management

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In projects

https://www.arts-link.com is the first domain I ever purchased. I believe it was around 2001. It has been various different websites throughout the years, including not a web-site at all. In this rendition it is an organization which is set up to support artists in their technical needs, to free them from the discratction of such things as self-promotion and websites.

Workflow Dispatch

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GitHub Pages

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GitHub Actions

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Github Action to Create New Content in Hugo

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This is what it looks like
This is what it looks like

I use Hugo a lot for my web development work, and I think it is pretty great. The one problem with it for many non-technical people I work with is that there is no CMS feature, they want a website administration page where they can do the usual.


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Link Graveyard

Where I bury my favorite resources

The link graveyard is my page for remembering where I found stuff – whether it’s something I learned, something cool I stumbled upon, or maybe just a friend’s site.


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Image Processing

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