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Recipe Template

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Recipe Schema

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Ingredients Section

In Posts

Check out the new Ingredients Taxonomy pages

Using Taxonomy effectively

As part of the recipe template configuration being developed for The Ryder Theme for Hugo websites, a new taxonomy is created for ingredients. Ingredients are not the same as recipeIngredients; they are defined as an array in the front matter. I didn’t want a taxonomy page generated for every single recipe ingredient, so I created a separate variable. The recipeIngredients are used to display the ingredients on the page and for the recipe schema, ensuring the pages are properly displayed as recipe rich results in Google and other search engines.


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Content Management

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In Catalog

Welcome to Strawbridge’s Department Store

The catalog of all the products to be advertised through affiliate marketing.


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Midori MD Dot Square Notebook

In Catalog

Easy going writing surface

This notebook has a flexible and strong spine and extra smooth paper that feels great for extended long hand writing sessions.

Buy Midori Notebook on Amazon.com
Midori Dot Square Notebook
Midori Dot Square Notebook

Tag Cloud

In Posts

Cloudy days a hoy-hoy

I found this partial to create a tag cloud on Mert Bakir’s personal website and I have been adapting the code to suit my needs for this project, for now I’m just leaving it under this project page until I can decide what to do with it.

Tag Cloud

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Structured Data

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Recipe Template for Ryder Theme

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Optimize Recipe Content with the Schema

The recipe templates for The Ryder Theme for Hugo websites are progressing well. Today I released an update that creates the schema.org json-ld specification tags for a recipe. This allows your recipe content to show up as “rich content” in search engines and social media platforms.


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In ingredients
Beautiful Oyster Mushrooms
Beautiful Oyster Mushrooms

Family Recipe Book

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My Mom's homemade family recipe's cookbook
Inspriation For Cooking


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Featured Ingredients

In ingredients
A Summer Bounty
A Summer Bounty

Ingredients that have been tagged in recipes as featured ingredients are listed below. Find all of the recipes using these ingredients on each page. See photographs and learn more about these items.


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Night Photography

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Marina Del Rey

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Landscape Photography

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Extreme Geomagnetic Storm Photography

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Pulled to Black

Pulled to Black

On May 10, 2024 solar flares caused extreme G5 conditions to be observed


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In projects

S.A.D. 😩

You can’t automate a SLO for look and feel. Or can you?

Screenshot-a-day service. takes a screen shot every n units of time and adds a frame to a gif which you can host.


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Configuration Management

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Referral links tool kit

In projects

A tool to build links for affiliate marketing programs.

Referral Links

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Affiliate Marketing

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